​BE CONCERNED IN COVINGTON is the largest free food program in NKY, providing both a food pantry and a thrift store, to make all items more affordable and accessible to those in need. In December, the Christmas season, they served approximately 3,000 families in NKY.
We scheduled 2 days, in which volunteers from our group helped people pick out Christmas gifts from the Annual Christmas Store, assisted them in shopping for food in the pantry, and restocked shelves when necessary.
We also donated nonperishables, hygiene items, new books and toys for Christmas. It was a privilege to bring Christmas cheer to the needy families in our community and the warm, welcoming folks at Be Concerned couldn't have been more gracious!
Women of Alabaster This is an amazing organization whose mission is to provide a pathway to freedom for victims of sex trafficking and addiction. We assembled 50 "blessing bags" containing hygiene essentials, Bibles, journals, and encouraging, hand-written notes for each of the women, to remind them that they are children of God...and they are loved. We also donated 75 bras and 120 pairs of underwear, as many of them cannot afford to replenish them on their own. It was a privilege to bring God's love to these beautiful souls.
EMERGENCY SHELTER OF NORTHERN KENTUCKY We collected 4 SUV's full of new/used sweatshirts, zip-ups, windbreakers, hoodies and jackets for our homeless friends who visit the shelter!
The Shelter folks were thrilled; many will keep warm this winter, thanks to the generosity of many!
​​October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we helped to make a difference in the battle! Several of us walked and our team raised $568 to donate to the cause.
VA HOSPITAL: An entire evening was dedicated to handwriting thank you notes to be distributed at the VA Hospital, reminding the VETS that their service to our country will never be forgotten! We had also planned an evening of enjoyment and interaction with residents of the VA hospital who frequently experience loneliness and letdown after the holiday season; however, it had to be postponed due to health restrictions during flu season.
CARE NET PREGNANCY SERVICES OF NKY: Care Net provides free ultrasounds to those with an unplanned pregnancy, in hopes that the image of their sweet little one will encourage them to choose LIFE. We enjoyed a craft night, making beautiful, colorful keepsake envelopes in which their patients will receive their ultrasound images.
WELCOME HOUSE HOMELESS SHELTER: We donated “birthday bags”, which will enable temporary residents to not only bake and decorate birthday cakes, but also enjoy festive decorations to honor their loves ones on their special day.
BASKET DONATION FOR RAFFLE AT A QUARTER AUCTION. Many beautiful, pampering elements were collected to create the largest basket raffled off at a fund raiser for a dear teacher and friend undergoing treatment for Breast Cancer.
​FAMILY PROMISE OF NORTHERN KY MOTHER’S DAY: Homeless families enjoyed a delicious dinner generously donated by Pompilio’s that we delivered with craft projects to enjoy during their temporary stay.
CARMEL MANOR NURSING HOME EMPLOYEE/VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: We provided a warm, home cooked meal to 75 employees and volunteers to let them know they are valued and appreciated.
CARE CLOSET: We separated and organized half of an entire storage unit full of clothes that had been donated to benefit the underprivileged community. Much of the infant sized clothing was kindly donated to CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER.
FAIRHAVEN RESCUE MISSION: Thanks to the generosity of many friends and family, we were able to donate an ENTIRE BOX TRUCK full of clothing, decorations, housewares and small furniture to help stock their newly expanded Thrift Store that accepts $40 vouchers from people who would otherwise be unable afford such luxuries.
VA HOSPITAL: An entire evening was dedicated to handwriting thank you notes to be distributed at the VA Hospital, reminding the VETS that their service to our country will never be forgotten! We had also planned an evening of enjoyment and interaction with residents of the VA hospital who frequently experience loneliness and letdown after the holiday season; however, it had to be postponed due to health restrictions during flu season.
“COOKING FOR A CAUSE” AT BAKER-HUNT ART AND CULTURAL CENTER: Joining a group of volunteers, we cooked an entire meal that was immediately delivered for the many homeless patrons of the Emergency Shelter of NKY to enjoy.
CARE NET PREGNANCY SERVICES OF NKY: Care Net provides free ultrasounds to those with an unplanned pregnancy, in hopes that the image of their sweet little one will encourage them to choose LIFE. We enjoyed a craft night, making beautiful, colorful keepsake envelopes in which their patients will receive their ultrasound images.
WELCOME HOUSE HOMELESS SHELTER: We donated “birthday bags”, which will enable temporary residents to not only bake and decorate birthday cakes, but also enjoy festive decorations to honor their loves ones on their special day.
CARE CLOSET RECIPIENTS: Our group adopted 2 children for Christmas and provided them all the gifts they had hoped for on their wish list. They were thrilled!
HOSEA HOUSE SOUP KITCHEN: This Newport landmark serves dinner to 120-130 homeless people on a daily basis. We provided hoodies, socks, hats and gloves to keep them warm throughout the winter months.
EMERGENCY SHELTER OF NORTHERN KENTUCKY We collected 4 SUV's full of new/used sweatshirts, zip-ups, windbreakers, hoodies and jackets for our homeless friends who visit the shelter!
The Shelter folks were thrilled; many will keep warm this winter, thanks to the generosity of many!
​​October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we helped to make a difference in the battle! Several of us walked and our team raised $568 to donate to the cause.
​FAMILY PROMISE OF NORTHERN KY MOTHER’S DAY: Homeless families enjoyed a delicious dinner generously donated by Pompilio’s that we delivered with craft projects to enjoy during their temporary stay.
CARMEL MANOR NURSING HOME EMPLOYEE/VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON: We provided a warm, home cooked meal to 75 employees and volunteers to let them know they are valued and appreciated.
CARE CLOSET: We separated and organized half of an entire storage unit full of clothes that had been donated to benefit the underprivileged community. Much of the infant sized clothing was kindly donated to CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER.
FAIRHAVEN RESCUE MISSION: Thanks to the generosity of many friends and family, we were able to donate an ENTIRE BOX TRUCK full of clothing, decorations, housewares and small furniture to help stock their newly expanded Thrift Store that accepts $40 vouchers from people who would otherwise be unable afford such luxuries.
CARE CLOSET RECIPIENTS: Our group adopted 2 children for Christmas and provided them all the gifts they had hoped for on their wish list. They were thrilled!
HOSEA HOUSE SOUP KITCHEN: This Newport landmark serves dinner to 120-130 homeless people on a daily basis. We provided hoodies, socks, hats and gloves to keep them warm throughout the winter months.